What would it take to build bright futures for youth in Spanish Lake?

If you live, work, or play in Spanish Lake…

Take our 3 minute survey + enter to win a prize!

Your responses will help to bring new resources for youth to Spanish Lake.

From talking with people in the community and exploring Spanish Lake, we’ve learned that:

  • Spanish Lake is one of the most unique places in St. Louis County, with both a city-like feel and lots of beautiful nature to enjoy
  • Spanish Lakers have a lot of pride in their community; and
  • Residents wish there were more resources for youth

The last part caught our attention.

At Youth In Need, we believe that when young people have the resources to succeed, lives change. Youth In Need works to build bright and positive futures for youth and families by providing resources like counseling services, early learning support and crisis intervention. 

We are spending some time thinking about how we could serve the youth in Spanish Lake, and we’d like to know—what do you think the young people in Spanish Lake need in order to build a bright future?

Share your thoughts and win a prize for participating!

Take our 3 minute survey. If you live, work or play in Spanish Lake, take our 3 min survey to share what you think the young people in your community need.

Participants will be entered into a drawing to win prizes including gift cards, bus passes, swag bags and more.

Participate in a youth meet-up. Youth between the ages of 12-24 who live in Spanish Lake can participate in a focus group and receive a gift card and swag bag as our way of saying thank you!

Spread the word. Share this post to be entered into a drawing to win prizes including gift cards, bus passes, swag bags, and more!

Be on the lookout. Throughout the month of August, we will be attending local events and hanging out in public spaces to talk to residents first hand. If you see us out, come say hi!

Questions? Contact Jessica Wernli at jessica.wernli@gmail.com.